Hot Chocolate Recipe Benefits and Precaution

As we know that winter is right around the corner. So it is necessary to keep yourself warm in this cold season. Hot chocolate is a drink taken by people from various countries during this season.

The people in Europe mainly take it. It helps to keep you warm.

Unlike herbal teas, they are sweet in taste. Let’s have a look at the easiest method to make hot chocolate at home:

Ingredients to make hot chocolate:

Milk: 500 ml (any of your choice)

Cocoa powder: 2 tbsp

Sugar: 1 to 2 tbsp or taste

Dark chocolate: ½ cup (finely chopped or grated)

Whipping cream: 1 to 2 tbsp

Easy Method to make hot chocolate:

The following steps should be taken to make hot chocolate:

1: heat the milk in a pan, and don’t boil it.

2: add all the ingredients and mix them.

4: Heat the mixture over medium heat until the chocolate is melted. 

5: Pour the hot chocolate into a cup.

6: Lastly, add the grated chocolate and the whipping cream on top.

Enjoy your delicious and creamy hot chocolate.

Note: If you want your hot chocolate to be creamy, then oat milk is preferred to use instead of regular cow milk. It gives a nice nutty flavour. 

Ingredients required to make Mexican hot chocolate:

  • Milk: 2 ½  cups
  • Cocoa powder: 2 tbsp
  • Sugar: 1 to 2 tbsp
  • Cinnamon powder: ½ tsp
  • Chilli powder: pinch or ? tsp
  • Vanilla extract: ½ tsp
  • Dark chocolate: ½ cup (chopped or grated)))

Directions to make Mexican hot chocolate:

The following steps should be taken to make Mexican hot chocolate:

1: heat milk on a medium flame.

2: add the powders one by one in it and mix them.

3: then add sugar and vanilla extract and let it dissolve.

4: After dissolving everything, add grated chocolate and heat it. Please Do not allow it to boil.

5: pour the hot chocolate into a cup and add toppings of your choice. ( marshmallows and chocolate are preferred ) 

Benefits of hot chocolate:

Cocoa powder used in making hot chocolate is rich in flavonoids which help improve blood flow. It stops the blood clotting by improving blood flow. It controls blood pressure and improves blood flow to the brain.

It reduces the risks of inflammation, heart disease, and strokes. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants which help in fighting against the bacteria causing infections on the skin.

Milk is also used in hot chocolate, so this drink contains the benefits of both cocoa and milk. Milk is also known as an energy booster. There are a lot of benefits of milk. It helps to make teeth and bones strong.

It is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and calcium, which are necessary for the body. It helps to reduce stress and makes the muscles strong and healthy. 


Make the tastiest and creamiest hot chocolate at home with this easy recipe. It is the best choice this winter to keep you cosy and warm.

All the information mentioned above is gathered from  complete research. Make this easiest and tastiest hot chocolate at home, and let me know about your experience in the comments section. 

I hope this information helped you! Lots of blessings!


Can we drink hot chocolate daily?

Drinking hot chocolate daily can make you gain weight because it contains sugar and chocolate. So it is good to have hot chocolate after some days.

How is hot chocolate good for the skin?

Cocoa in hot chocolate contains antioxidants suitable for fighting against the bacteria causing skin infections.

Is hot chocolate good for the body’s health?

Yes! It boosts the brain and regulates the blood flow, and prevents it from clotting.

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